Your Committee of Loughborough
The non for profit "Società. Dante Alighieri" was founded in Rome in 1889 with the aim of promoting Italian culture. From its very beginning the DA Society received an enthusiastic welcome, particularly among the many Italian communities that had established themselves throughout the world.

This website is dedicated to sharing love and interests in Italy, his art, culture, cuisine and language. Check back often to learn about new contributions to our site, upcoming activities in the area, and ways to get involved with the DA Society! If you have any questions or comments, make sure to get in touch through the Contact Us section of the site.
Your Committee for 2024
President: Gianluca Fanti
Vice President: Robert Vincent
Secretary: Susan Coley
Treasurer: Dominique Mason
Committee members: Amanda Fanti, Emanuela Lo Faro, Den Corrall

In Loughborough the DA Society has been established for 40 years (from 1984), and has always aimed to promote and develop an interest in Italian culture and language across the local community.

The Society is not just for Italian speakers and it welcomes membership from every background. Culture doesn't include only the highbrow arts, in fact we have run events that reflect Italy of the past and the present.
Stay in Touch!
Something on your mind? If you have questions or comments, contact us via email at: danteloughborough1984@gmail.com.