
Programme for 2025
March 2025
Saturday 1st March 2025, 5pm to 9pm.
Festa di Carnevale
***Booking in advance only***
Join us for an entertaining evening in Loughborough for an Italian evening with Carnival games, Raffle with great prizes, Italian live music from Paolo and a Best mask competition (get creative to win a prize too).
***Bring your own food, drinks, cutlery and glasses***
Where - Quorn Village Hall, 64 Leicester Road, Quorn, Leicestershire LE12 8BB. Free parking available at the rear.
Cost - £5 for members, £8 for non members (Children under 12 accompanied by parents are free)
To book your place, please email us at danteloughborough1984@gmail.com.
March 2025
Friday the 28th 2025, 7pm to 9pm
Dantedì, la giornata di Dante
Join us to celebrate Dante Alighieri, "il Sommo poeta" and practice your Italian. We will have games and activities for you to use the language with native speakers or fellow members of our Society.
Where - Quorn Village Hall, 64 Leicester Road, Quorn, Leicestershire LE12 8BB. Free parking available at the rear.
Cost - Free for members, £5 for non members.
April 2025
Friday the 11th 2025, 7pm to 9pm
An illustrated talk, inspired by Giotto’s exquisite fresco cycle
at the Arena Chapel, Padua, by Caroline AM Clarke M.A. ​
Where - Quorn Village Hall, 64 Leicester Road, Quorn, Leicestershire LE12 8BB. Free parking available at the rear.
Cost - Free for members, £5 for non members.
May 2025
Friday 16th, 7pm to 9pm
Una Serata di Degustazione di Formaggi / Cheese tasting
***Booking in advance only***
Enjoy an evening tasting a delicious variety of artisan produced Italian cheeses. The event will be hosted by cheese seller Marie whose Nibbles and Cheddar van has become a popular stall at local markets.
Where - Quorn Village Hall, 64 Leicester Road, Quorn, Leicestershire LE12 8BB. Free parking available.
Cost - £15 for members, £18 for non-members (bring your own drinks).
We are expecting this to be a popular event, so please book early to secure a place!
We are looking forward to seeing you.
To book your place email us HERE
June 2025
Friday 20th, 7pm to 9pm
"Giorgio Vasari - The Multi-faceted Genius from Arezzo
A talk on Giorgio Vasari's legacy, through his writings and impressive artworks, delivered by Dr. Michael J. Cefai.
A symbolic personality of the 16th Century High Renaissance; a versatile and cultured artist at the service of Lords, Popes, Cardinals, Religious Bodies and private lay individuals as painter, architect-designer and intellectual; best-known and remembered as the first great Art Historian."
Where - Quorn Village Hall, 64 Leicester Road, Quorn, Leicestershire LE12 8BB. Free parking available at the rear.
Cost - Free for members, £5 for non members.
More events coming after the Summer break:​
- Italian cinema (with English Subtitles)
-Italian talk on Botticelli’s Venus - before, during & after the Renaissance
- Italian Social
- Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (October 2025)
- Corsi di cucina / Cookery classes
About us
The non for profit "Società Dante Alighieri" was founded in Rome in 1889 with the aim of promoting Italian culture. From its very beginning the DA Society received an enthusiastic welcome, particularly among the many Italian communities that had established themselves throughout the world.
In Loughborough the DA Society has been established for 38 years (from 1984), and has always aimed to promote and develop an interest in Italian culture and language across the local community.
The Society is not just for Italian speakers and it welcomes membership from every background. Culture doesn't include only the highbrow arts, in fact we have run events that reflect Italy of the past and the present.
This website is dedicated to sharing love and interests in Italy, his art, culture, cuisine and language. Check back often to learn about new contributions to our site, upcoming activities in the area, and ways to get involved with the DA Society! If you have any questions or comments, make sure to get in touch through the Contact Us section of the site.
Our email: danteloughborough1984@gmail.com

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